Monday, April 19, 2010

Where Did He Go?

Author's Note-When 17 year old Novalee Nation, in the novel Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts, is abandoned by her boyfriend, Willy Jack Pickens, in an unfamiliar town, she is faced with a sense of pain and sadness. You can only imagine the horror you would feel being left by someone you believed loved you.

Where did he go?

Why did he leave me here,

Without anything or anyone?

Willy Jack Pickens,

Where did you go?

I'm surrounded by people,

But I've never felt so alone,

The crowds of people,

All with places to go,

But where do I go?

I am so alone.

My belly aches,

My baby is kicking,

I wish the pain would stop.

All the pain,

Not just the physical pain.

Pain is everywhere,

In everything I do.

Pain is cruel,

It makes everything worse.

Pain is what makes life feel real,

Without it what would I feel?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome poem Mickey. I really liked the part when you said "I'm surrounded by people, but I feel so alone". That sure can be true sometimes. I also liked your point about how pain makes life. That is kind of like what we talked about with Life of Pi. Life is paradox. If we didn't feel pain we wouldn't be able to experience joy. Great job!! :)
