Monday, April 26, 2010


Author's Note- This poem is something every girl goes through, but no matter what, you are never alone.

Everything is changing,
And I have no idea why.
He sometimes makes me happy,
And sometimes makes me cry.

When he's nice and light and free
He's everything I want to be.
And when I have a terrible dream,
I want him to be there with me.

Laughter fades from his face,
And other girls are at his place.
He says that's fine and that he can,
"There just my friends" is all he says.

I want the boy that's light and free,
I want him to be next to me.
I want no girls at his place.
I want more laughter on his face.

Half say yes and half say no.
I have no idea which to go.
I want don't want to wonder why,
I dont want him to make me cry.

Decision time is drawing near,
This really is no time for fear.
Either way a heart will break,
But a choice is what I have to make.


  1. Wow Mickey.. This is really good:)Your rhyming is perfect and your talking about a point that almost all girls can relate to.. I really enjoyed reading this and I kind of needed to read this. It is completely relatable and I loved it! Great job Mickey?
    Is this true?
    Love, Liv

  2. Mickey, this was amazing, I could tell right from the beginning that it was coming from the heart and not fake like some poems people write. I think this was what you were talking about the other day, and I hope writing this has helped you. Great job!!!!

  3. Mikki this was amazing! Your rhyming flowed together really good and like Olivia said, it is a topic that almost all girls can relate to. Great job!! :)

  4. Wow. This is great! You made it rhyme which really gives it a good rhythm, and with a topic that is real. Poems are really good for expressing what you have inside you. Excellent poem!

    By the way, it sounds like it could be put into a song! :D

  5. Nice Job Mikki!! I really liked this poem! I agree with several comments above this is a poem a girl can relate to. I also agree with Leah. The rhyming really made the poem sound stronger! Nice Job!
