Monday, April 19, 2010

Sister Husband

In the novel Where the Heart Is, by Billie Letts, within the early chapters you are introduced to a very different kind of character. Sister Husband, an old christen women, always has knowledgeable advice, even when you least expect it. Most would write her off as a crazy women, losing her mind, but the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover" seems to fit here. The way she speaks, with such a old voice full of wisdom, is enough to prove this. When Novalee, the main character, is given a bible Sister Husband tells her to only read small parts at a time to get the full impact. With advice like such, this is just one example of her wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked reading this Mickey. I haven't personally read the book but I've seen the movie and it's one of my favorites. :) I love Sister Husband. I think she is so wise and she is really inspiring almost. She fights so hard for what she believes in and she works so hard to protect NovaLee and Americus. I think that is so cool. It really shows the strength of a family. Good job!
