Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Good Earth- Chapter 1

Throughout the first chapter of "The Good Earth" I was appalled of how the women were treated in the Chinese culture, more like property then people. I had a hard time comprehending the reason behind the mis-treating of women, Why were they treated so poorly, even by men of such poverty? In the final sentence of chapter one Wang Lung's wife, O-Lan, is treated with a large amount of disrespect, but could do nothing of it, she was powerless. Were all women treated like this in China in the 1900's? From today's perspective in the United States, the women here have huge amounts of power, more than some men even. The chapter at first seemed to be a romance, with symbolism such as "morning" and "spring", but as the chapter went on it seemed to be only a romance for Wang Lung, and not his wife O-Lan. For O-Lan this chapter could be seen maybe as an irony, because of how she was in such a bad situation of being a slave at just the age of 10, which is not a good way at all to grow up. Also in the final part of the chapter she seemed to lose herself, become a new person, in the way Wang Lung acted.


  1. This is an excellent piece of writing Mikki. You really captured this part of the novel in your own point of view--a different point of view than mine--which made me feel differently about this section of the novel. I know you focused on one topic but next time broaden the topics because I'd love to hear your interperetation on other parts of this novel. Continue writing this well!

  2. Really nice response. You bring up a lot of good points, and I especially like the way you reacted on a personal level. Nice.

  3. Mikki, really nice response. I liked the way that you really talked about how women were treated very unfairly and how now a-days women are treated with the same power as men and some with even more than men... Like I said before, very nicely done! Maybe next time you could try to could try to put a quote or something actually from the book. It will really show your point even more. Very nicely done! Keep writing this well...! :)
