Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Make the Best of Life

"Things didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to, but what can you do? You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it"(p 91) In this quote Martel is making it clear that you can't control the outcome of events in life, but instead of mourning, make the best of what the new outcome brings, even if it is different from what you expected. People are always trying to control their lives, but it is up to fate. Young teenagers are always discussing where they are going to college, but their is no guarentee that you will get in. You can volunteer or take advanced classes to make your resume look more impressive, but still you may not get the acceptance letter you want. Even if you don't get into that one school you want to study at, other school will accept you into their programs. Life is too valuable to waste on feeling sorry for yourself, especially when you can look at the outcome and find the good. If you only focus on the worst of the outcome, then you are wasting life.


  1. Mikki, this is really good. I especially like the quote you used! Maybe next time, you could go through and check your spelling before you post.

  2. I like this response but you have a couple spelling errors. You explained the quote really well! Great job.
