Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Home Life of Pip

Throughout the first few chapters the main character, Pip, has a horrible home life. Since Pip is an orphan he is forced to live with his brutal sister, Mrs. Joe. Mrs Joe is very cruel to Pip, and even mistreats her husband. When Pip misbehaves Mrs. Joe takes a cane called "The Tickler" and hits him several times. Also she does not make quality meals, just a simple bread and butter. Mrs. Joe even forces Pip to drink medicine at ponderous amounts. As you can see Pip is living in a home in need of improvements.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your thesis. You back up your writing really well. But, next time try not to adress the reader ("As you can see"), and I'm not sure if ponderous is the word you really want. But, other than that, great job!
