Monday, October 5, 2009

Good Earth - Wang's uncle, and the City to the South

Throughout the chapters of the Good Earth you are introduced to a very selfish character. Wang Lung's uncle is a very selfish man who only seems to care about wealth and materialistic objects. To me, it seems, that when his uncle says " I am a man of evil destiny. This year out of twenty seed beans, one came up and in such poor growth as that there is no use in putting the hoe down. We shall have to buy beans this year if we eat them", he is trying to trick Wang Lung into feeding his family, because he is a lazy man and does not want to work. During one of the chapters I was appalled when Wang's uncle lead a riot into his nephew's home and took all his food. When that accrued I was shocked because they are family and family shouldn't act behave so horribly.

Wang Lung, and his horrible misfortunes, move to the city to the south. Once there their life improves greatly, and he is able to feed his family by getting a job pull a cart. Soon his life is better and he even has a house of his own to live in. He has shelter, food, and a job to provide it all, and during a famine many others would die for the chance at all of this. Wang Lung seems grateful, but is he really?


  1. This is a good response. Maybe next time you could find another way to state you independent though rather than "To me.." Other than that it was a great writing piece.

  2. I could have swore I already posted to this, but I will again. I like this text. The first paragraph is right; the creepy uncle is tricking Wang Lung to share, but the trick is obvious. He knows Wang can tell they are all lies, and he is simply mooching off of Wang. The second paragraph covers the trip south, but I disagree. His trip isn't an improvement except that he isn't starving. Morally, ho totally loses his way.
