Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Author's Note- Since this weekend was Memorial Day Weekend I thought a lot about the past wars. Everyone always remembers the soldiers for their bravery, which is how it should be. And thinking about them got me to think about their families and what would happen if everyone in a family died, leaving only a child left.

Different and strange,

Broken and sad,

His family all gone,

He's everything but mad.

The war took its toll,

And now he's alone.

The bombs hit,

When it was snowy and cold.

Now in the city

He was born and raised,

Nothing he wants more

For his life to be erased.

What did I do to have this happen to me?

He cried to the heavens

He shouted to the seas.

With one picture of the past,

And his fathers gun,

He wants to end his life at last.

But then appears his sister,

And she cries for him to stop,

I want you to live your life, please don’t make it stop.

Away he puts the gun,

He starts to run,

Towards the city,

To begin his new life,

For his sister.